Friday, May 21, 2010


  • o hai gaiz. graduation practice is tomorrow and i don't want to go. not even a little bit. but, after that is graduation, and after that is summer. for forever. and apparently i have 3 anatomy books out? yeah ok brentwood high. i'll definitely use three anatomy books. but anyway, i saw iron man 2 the midnight premiere a few nights ago, i don't really know if i mentioned that. there's this new hookah bar downtown called bebo's cafe, and it has the best service and the best hookah. last night i went with my friend leigh, and we saw this drunk guy and this drunk girl from the bar next door hitting on each other right OUTSIDE THE WINDOW! the big window of the place! and basically he was trying to kiss ehr the entire night but she wasn't going for it, until they finally saw us after about 20 minutes. then we yelled KISS HER KISS HER and he finally did and we all banged on the windows. but then they wouldn't stop kissing and it was just kinda weird. i felt like a voyeur and i didn't really like it, especially because this guy was just a total tool and this girl had a HUGE belly. but anyways, goodnight.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


what it do bitches?! sorry it's been awhile, i've been so busy. some things i want to share/have been on my mind

-i work at subway again. no super funny stories. yet. but at subway, there are always a PLETHORA of funny times, like once i found a giant dump in the bathroom. the girls bathroom. not even kidding. civitan's my other job. basically i make sno-cones and work concessions every now and then, so that's kinda nice. i get big tips there. and i get paid there more than at subway. isn't that weird? yeah. yeah to answer your question it IS chief.

-this is the last week of high school. ever (well for me it is). how the hell did it get here this fast? time flies, yadda yadda. but really, let's all hang out this summer. i'm gonna miss some people. i know i'm going to UT, and like half of the BHS senior class is going there, but not all are. and that's gay. but it's also nice. i don't really know. gah, college is intimidating. i'm not even there yet and i'm nervously excited.

-the wonder years is a good band and i'm listening to them right now. you need to check them out if you haven't heard them before. i guess i'll share my favorite song. one time, i wore their shirt to school, and dr. calton made me take it off. so that was weird. he still has it in his office and i don't know how to get it back...yeah...creepy.

-tell me this isn't random. last night after work i went to this mediterranean cuisine/hookah bar with my manager? it was so random. i had school today. but i went last night. idk, i think it's pretty weird. it was kinda nice though. they had the best hummus i've ever tasted, the place is called bebo's cafe and it's located like across the street from laser quest downtown off 2nd ave N.

i don't know what else to say at the moment. i took a four hour nap today and now i can't sleep. so if you have any suggestions, let me know. aaaaaaand kbye.

Monday, April 19, 2010

UPDATE!!!!!!'s been awhile guys.'s 1am right now, and i'm tired and my stomach's doing crazy things like cramping (wtf? i'm not a girl..) so i'm going to sleep, but i'll update this very soon. prom, rugby, spring break...all that stuff's gonna be covered. and i'm going to bed. right now. KBYE

Sunday, March 28, 2010

my weekend

OMG guyz. i had the best weekend..I got my corsage, so that's good. brittany had a fancy dress on! she even looked, as some say, "good!" it was weird! anyway, presentation was pretty good, i had fun. then after that we went to glow galaxy! and after glow galaxy, me and some guyz & girlz went to someone's house and made some pancakez. it was rad. then me and my girlf sydney chilled all nite! then the next day i worked from 9-6!!! i worked 9-2 at sno-conez, and 2-6 and concessionz. i worked with allison, my friend erikka'z little sizter. i texted her boyf from her phone and said "my butthole itches!" LOL!!!!
i got like $40 in tips, which is awesome. then i went to ashton'z house, where i ended up passing out around 12. i was tired! and i woke up at like 7:30 and i was missing a sock? then i went to sleep and woke back up at 10 and i was still missing my sock. after looking around, i found it in ashton's dad's office. so at some point last night, i purposely took off one sock. ok cool! then i left and then i came back because i forgot my charger and ashton and his girlf were making some eggs and sausage! so i stayed and we all ate breakfast. then i took a shower. then i took my dog for a walk where i saw this little kid sittin in the creek. he said "HELLO!" i said "what r u doin?!1" and he said "fishin!" i said "ok..have fun!" he said "you too!" so then after that i took my tuxedo back to the mall, but it was a day late, so i had to pay $21. it was gay! then i went home, played [prototype], and met hannah and sarah beddoe, ally pace, and my girlf at mazatlan for a birthday dinner for me/ally. my birthday is 2mororrw! the mexicans put on a sombrero on me and smeared stuff on my face. it was weird but it was fun! then i went to sydney's house. I KISSED HER! I KISSED A GIRL IT WAS AWEEESSSOMMMMEEEEE!!!!!

well 2morrow is my bday pplz! wish me a good happy bdaayyy!!!! IM 18!!!!!!! OMG BBBBYYYYEEEEE

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I'm so tired!

MAN! I'm so tired! I don't know what it is.

A few hours ago, my friend...let's call her Barfney Buttstick, reminded me that I have to have a corsage for her! I was like OHSHITBALLS so I raced to Harris Teeter! I walked in, went to the floral department, and walked out. I must have looked shady as a gangster in Princeton Hills. I went to Kroger, which is near the place I used to work, called SUBWAY, and they didn't have one either! So I scooted my butt over to Publix, in hopes they'd have one, but guess what? They didn't. Not even a little bit. So now I'm corsageless, the BGC Presentation Dinner is tomorrow, and I'm out a corsage. FUDGE!

Also, I applied at Jimmy John's today! I talked to the lady owner, and she was so nice. I told her I used to work at Subway and that, as of Monday, I'll be 18, and she loved that. She said there was more of a chance I'd get hired because I'd maybe be a driver.
...BUT, I already have a little bit of time as it is, with rugby and Civitan (my sno-cone job). AH we'll see.

WELL....goodnight faithful readers! Wish me luck in the blood drive tomorrow! I'm giving a double dose...WHOA!

PS---I hope this font is blue, not purple. I'm colorblind. Literally.

I like this thing! It's pretty neat. I'm currently listening to the band The Pixies. They're so good!

I was at my girlfriend Sydney's house earlier, and it started thundering. And I've been known to enjoy some stormage. So I was excited! THEN IT STARTED TO HAIL! I kid you not! It was sooooooo cooool!!!! My family is leaving town tomorrow, but I have to meet them in Montgomery, ALABAMA on Saturday. So I have to drive for FIVE freaking hours! ALONE! At 7:45am on a Saturday! LAAAME!


Ok internet, it's time for me to go! Bye!

This is my first blog.

Hi guys! This is my first blog! I'm currently sitting next to Robert Rice and Will Stovall in my homeroom. I go to Brentwood High School. It is a good school. I am a Senior. I will go to UT next year! Today has been pretty uneventful. I just ate a plum. It was nice. There was a super pooper here the other week, and he had a big poop! Well, he struck again! There are two grenade-like bombs in the toilet, and they're made of poop! Tomorrow is this BGC Presentation dinner that I have to go to, it'll be so much fun! Last night I was with Hannah Barker and Whitney Reid until 12:30 helping them on their powerpoint for skool! I also helped Hannah with her visual arts pictures. Well, TTYL!